Packing Probs and Goodbyes

I have packed, unpacked, repacked, pre-packed, you name it. Add any pre-fix you’d like, I’ve done it. I am stressed, and rather than pull my hair out I just pull my stuff out of my bag and check it a thousand times. Every time I unpack it’s still the same stuff I put in 20 minutes before. I guess I’m just reassuring myself that this, in fact, is not Mary Poppin’s bag and has no magical powers. It’s an Adidas, and I cannot fit my 6 foot tall floor lamp in it.

While I can’t be more excited to leave, today I am thinking of who and what I’ll be missing. There are people who are struggling right now that I want to be there for. There are some great friends I’ve made recently that I don’t want to leave, and reconnecting with old friends this week makes it that much harder.

I’m also using this as a chance to say goodbye to more than just the States. I am going to say goodbye to past grudges, habits, anger, anything negative in my life really. I have so much to be thankful for and I am not always as grateful as I should be. I have felt so truly blessed by everyone who has reached out and helped me with this trip. I know that going to South Africa will be an even bigger reminder of how very blessed we are here.

So see you later! I’ll be back before you know it and I’ll be blogging the entire way through my trip. Thank you again to all those who have supported me both recently and throughout my life.

Love and Light,

Lauren Elizabeth

New Lenses

Sunglasses. That’s the first thing I think about when I hear the word wayfarer. Mastered by Ray Ban, popularized by the likes of the Blues Brothers. A re-instated fashion statement that bring the 50s back into our modern era. Admittedly, … Continue reading